Saturday, 10 December 2016

Congratulations status for Whatsapp, Congratulations quotes for Facebook

Enjoy best, short, unique congratulations status for Whatsapp, facebook, girl, boy, friends. Get new, popular, congratulations quotes, congratulations status in Hindi, English.

You can congrats people for a new job, new baby, new house, car, girlfriend, boyfriend, and marriage. There are many occasions when you want people to congrats your loved one or dear one and wants quotes or status for the same. Enjoy our latest, new, unique and famous congratulation quotes or status in Hindi, English.

Congratulations status for Whatsapp

If you want share congratulations status for Whatsapp with friends then enjoy our new, updated and short congratulations quotes in English. If you will like our quotes then never forget to share it with friends on social sites across the world.

Can read: Best thank you status for Whatsapp, Facebook.

Congrats for reaching the heights of success.
I want to congrats you for wasting time on reading my status.
Never let others control your mind if you do then congrats them for getting a new slave.
Hey guys, congrats me for being a new parent of a baby girl.
You are lucky because you got true love, congratulations for your love marriage.
Happiest moment- when you will get true love, greatest moment – When you will marry your true love.
Sad moment – When you lose true love, worst moment – when your true love loses you.
Excelling in your work is great but maintaining the pace is awesome.
My stature is beyond your reach, you are allowed to reach my Whatsapp status.
Don’t speculate just congratulates.
Getting a new job is easy but reaching heights is hard to buy. Congratulations for the promotion.
Who is a real beggar? One with short of money or one with short of heart.

Can read: Best Funny exam SMS in Hindi, English.

Congratulations status for Whatsapp in Hindi

In case, you are looking for congratulations quotes in Hindi then enjoy our best, motivated, inspirational, congratulations status for Whatsapp in Hindi. Feel free to share it with your friends because we believe sharing is caring.

Can read: Sorry SMS for girlfriend, boyfriend in Hindi.

सफल होना आसान है पर सफल बने रहना मुश्किल है |
देखने में असफलता और सफलता में फ़र्क बस 'अ' का है, हक़ीकत में फ़र्क बस सोच का है |
सफ़ल इंसान बधाई लेते हैं और असफ़ल इंसान बधाई देते है | - मुबारक हो आपको
दुख में जो भूल जाए वो दोस्त कैसे, बिना बुलाए जो celebrate kare वो दोस्त ऐसे | happy anniversary.
बधाई देने वाला क्या बधाई देने का हकदार है?
आपको जन्मदिन की ढेरो बधाइयाँ, भगवान करे ये दिन आपकी लाइफ में 100 बार आए |
Congratulations है आपको उँचाई पर पहुँचने के लिए नहीं, उस पर बने रहने के लिए |
आपका आँगन खुशियों से महके, नन्ही परी जैसे और बच्चे आपके आँगन में चहके |
आपके नाम का गुणगान तब तक ना होगा, जबतक आपके नाम में वजन ना होगा |
किसी से Inspire होना आसान है, पर किसी को Inspire करना मुश्किल है |
बधाई लेने से पहले जान लो, बधाई दिल से मिली है या दिमाग़ से ?

Can read: Best Whatsapp status in Hindi, English.


We have just covered the best and awesome collection of congratulations status for Whatsapp, facebook, girlfriend, boyfriend and friends. If you really enjoyed reading our content on congratulations status for Whatsapp in Hindi, English then invite your friends or share it with them on Twitter, facebook, Reddit or Pinterest etc.

Can read: Inspirational, Motivational status for Whatsapp, Facebook.

Can read: Best creative status for Whatsapp, Facebook.

In case, you have any query then write us otherwise, like us on facebook or tweet for us. It will motivate our team to write more viral and innovative content for you guys. Enjoy our Whatsapp status collection and suggest your status or quotes with us.

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