Friday, 7 October 2016

Sunday status for Whatsapp, Sunday Quotes in Hindi, English

Enjoy latest, new, hot, popular, funny happy Sunday status for Whatsapp in Hindi, English. get best, short, cute, lovely and hot Sunday status for Whatsapp, facebook messages. Only best and unique Sunday quotes or messages.

Sunday status for Whatsapp

If you would like to enjoy your Sunday then share the short Sunday status with friends on social sites. We have a short and unique collection of Sunday status quotes that you can use to share on Whatsapp, facebook or other social sites.

Can read: Enjoy best Summer status for Whatsapp with Sunday.

I reserved one day as a lazy day, happy Sunday.
I wish I could see three Sunday in a week.
Well, spent Sunday will give you freshness for the week.
Sunday and body massage is similar, both gives a fresh feeling.
Sunday makes you lazy and Monday makes you crazy.
Enjoy Sundays to get prepared for weekdays.
I enjoy Sunday because I am the boss that day.
Please pause Sunday for me because I hate Monday.
I like Saturday because after it is loving Sunday.
Why can’t we celebrate Sunday as a lazy day?
Oh god, I can smell it, tomorrow is Monday.
I hate Sunday because of the crowd in your favorite places.
Even weeks are infected by the virus called Monday.
Today I can rest in peace because tomorrow is Sunday.
You will love Saturday for the coming Sunday and hate Monday for coming soon.
Sun + day = Sunday, enjoy shining day.
Sunday should be called smiling or funny day.

Can read: Enjoy Sunday by sharing the funny and cute Selfie Status for Whatsapp, Facebook.

Sunday status for Whatsapp in Hindi

So you are Indian or want to share Hindi Sunday status for Whatsapp? No problem, we have a latest and new collection of Sunday status for Whatsapp in Hindi. Just enjoy and break the ice because it’s Sunday.

किसी ने सच ही कहा है, जिंदगी दो दिन की होती है, sunday और monday, बाकी तो extra है। 
अतिथि देवो भव, Sunday इस बार जरा पूरा हफ्ता रुक के जाना। 
कुछ लोग valentine day, birthday और holiday सेलिब्रेट करते हैं, हम तो बस Sunday सेलिब्रेट करते हैं। 
३ चीजों के जाने पर दुःख होता है, प्यार, पैसा और प्यारा रविवार। 
बादल छायें हैं तो क्या, आज का दिन sun का है। happy sunday
Sunday का इन्तजार हमें बेसब्री से होता है, क्योंकि उस दिन दीदारे यार जो होता है। 
चाहे पी के सो या उठके पियो, करते रहो हुरदंगी, क्योंकि आज है sunday सतरंगी। 
सप्ताह के 6 दिन आपके नखरे उठाता हूँ, आज नखरे तो छोड़ो फ़ोन भी ना उठाऊंगा, और sunday धूमधाम से मनाऊंगा।    
Saturday आपको प्यारा है क्योंकि Sunday जो आने वाला है, Monday तो नाकारा है, क्योंकि काम जो करवाने वाला है। 
रविवार आपको सुस्त बनाता है और सोमवार आपको चुस्त बनाता है। 
शुक्रवार दोस्त जैसा लगता है, शनिवार अपनों जैसा लगता है और रविवार स्वर्ग जैसा लगता है। 
body masaage और Sunday, दोनों ही ताजगी देते हैं। 

Can read: Share best of Good morning SMS in Hindi, English.


We have just covered best of Happy Sunday status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English. If you enjoyed our Whatsapp status collection then share it with your friends or in networks.

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1 comment:

  1. nice collection of quotes. your quotes presents your thoughts. Thanks.
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